MAY 7, 2013





And today, I’m at at Pembroke Sinclair’s blog for an interview and a giveaway. And that jam jar is still in the fridge, goddamnit!



Q) What inspired you to write this story? 
King’s Crusade started life during the second half of Soul Meaning, Book #1 in the series Seventeen. When I was working out how to finish the plot for the first book, the seeds of the second one were sown. Three clues; a trip to the desert, genetics, and blood. 


Q) How long did it take you to write? 
It took me one year to complete the first draft, four to five weeks to do the rewrite after feedback from six beta readers and two editors, another week for the final proofread rewrite. 


Q) What is your favorite thing about writing? 
Ending up somewhere you never planned to be at the start of the story.


Q) What is your least favorite thing about writing? 
Rewrites! I need to learn to stop. I could rewrite FOREVER! 


Q) If you could be any famous person for one day, who would you be and why? 
In medicine, Gregor Mendel. Because he established the laws of inheritance that would form the basis of modern genetics. His work was one of the reasons I loved biology and became fascinated with biotechnology and genetic engineering. 


In writing, Neil Gaiman. The man is a wonderful human being, a great storyteller, and a true inspiration for other writers.


Q) What is the oldest thing in your fridge and how old is it? 
God, Pembroke, it’s still that unopened jar of strawberry jam from the March interview! LOL!


Q) What can readers expect from you in the future?
The third book in the series Seventeen, scheduled for release summer 2014. Possibly a second edition of Soul Meaning, with a few small alterations (no major plot/scene alterations, honest!).

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